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Please, please do not open up too soon

Ignorance and selfishness is attempting to offset science. It is a bit like playing Russian Roulette.

The CDC Total Cases is 895428 as of 4.25.20. This leaves 99.6% of the US population as potential victims.

Opening up society and fill up airplanes, buses and office buildings risks the Second Wave, as seen in the center graph.

This virus is unique. As can be seen in the black box, it has a very long period of infectivity.

As seen on the right, for every one we know is infected there are 3, we have not discovered by the lack of testing. With a exposure rate of 2.5 persons per case, in 30 days 1624 new cases arise. And they go on to infect others, unless isolated. More testing at random is required, otherwise we fly blind.

In 30 days we went from one fatality to over 50,000. In contrast the Viet Nam war killed 58,000 US soldiers over 20 years.

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